Saturday, September 5, 2009

After A Long Trip

The trip was a "long and winding road." I will now be writing and continuing making art.
The road that I've been on has included writing and art but the path took me many places.
I will write. I am committed to Creative Infusion. It has been said before. And the commitment has been here before also. Life needs to be somewhat guided for me. To fit everything in that I want to do will look like a class schedule for an over achiever. My parents would laugh.
This will look a bit different as I will add all art related info. Said that before.
We need to help and connect now more than ever.
I have friends that have lost their jobs and still trying to create. When you don't have a day job it's hard to keep the creative juices flowing. Paying the rent or mortgage becomes more important.
So, to try and keep the juices flowing and lend a ear, Creative Infusion is back.
Here are some lists of art shows and the like. If you would like your show added or info listed please contact me. We will spread the word.
Associated Artist 25th Annual Show -- Sept. 25th - 27th @ Victoria Gardens Community Center
National Collage Society's 25th Annual Exhibit November 6th - December 31st @ Mason Murer Fine Art, Atlanta, GA
Art Box Studio Art Show November 21 2:00pm - 9:00pm @1302 Monta Vista Ave unit 9
Upland ,CA
Cabrera's: An Eclectic Art Gallery 637 W. Second St., Pomona, CA (909) 230-1926/ (she also does affordable framing)
Want your info here? Let me know.
Have a great week.
~ aleta

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you rekindled your blogging, Aleta--good luck with it!