Monday, August 6, 2007

August 6 Prompt

Good morning Writers,
Sorry I didn't post anything for Friday, 8/3/07.

"What I fear in writing is the safe decision."
--Anne Rice

I use to worry what people thought about my writing. Now I write what I want. It's not to say that I don't care about what people think, it's about writing from my gut.
Somethings seem like I'm writing in the zone. I talked about that before. But if I try too hard and wonder what people might think I'm not writing in the zone. Funny, I thing that's why I keep doing the prompts. I've asked before if you would like changes but I only get one e mail back so I keep going. I do hope that this is still working for you and that you can use these prompts. So don't be safe. Write me and let me know how things are going, in your life, the prompts, the pets, whatever.

Speaking of pets, I'm pet sitting a dog that is a "scaredy cat". She is big and lean. But I have to spend the night at her house because she "can't be alone."
So every night I pack my overnight bag and go spend the night with Diana. She won't go outside without me. If she has to "go", she will wait until I go out in the back yard with her. In the house at night I thought she'd bark if there where noises. But she looks up and acts interested, and then looks at me as to say, "So, you going to go check on that?" If I don't move she drops her head back to the floor and goes back to sleep.
But, when we go for a walk she is strong and confident. She pulls the retractable leash all the way out and acts like she is walking me. Diana carries her head high and trots with her chest puffed out. I feel and look weak compared to her. I wonder if it is the "secure thing." Being tied to me she has twice the power so to speak. It's like a united front; we walk together and she knows I'm right behind her. Diana is not afraid to go up to other dogs. She pulls and barks to show she is confident.
I guess there is something to be said about tying things together for more strength.

Today write about safety. Or being safe. the feeling of not being safe. What did it feel like? When you feel safe what is that like?

Have a great week.
And keep writing.


Carolyn Burns Bass said...

Diana's people are very blessed to have you taking care of her. It sounds like Diana's candidate for Oscar on The Dog Whisperer.

Anonymous said...

Yes she is some dog. Thanks for the comment.